Tag Archives: PC

The Influence of Literature and Myth in Videogames

H. P. Lovecraft, J. R. R. Tolkien, Robert Bloch, Robert E. Howard, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, Larry Niven, Orson Scott Card, E.E. Smith. This small sampling of influential authors' work in the genres of science fiction, horror, and fantasy has laid the bedrock for some of the best videogames in …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Most Memorable Villains

Welcome to IGN's weekly countdown of the exceptional, fascinating, and absurd: something we like to call Top 10 Tuesday. Every week we'll feature the top ten games, characters, fashion statements or whatever else we can think of that in some way relates to gaming and its history. And just because …

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Half-Life 2 Review

I wanted to make this review short and sweet, but it's hard to stop writing, even when excluding facts that could potentially contaminate an exceptionally well thought-out gaming experience. There's just so much to say. Half-Life 2 is, simply put, the best single-player shooter ever released for the PC. It …

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Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Review

Things have changed somewhat since I wrote my first impressions. I've finally finished the game and while I still think Jedi Outcast has some minor shortcomings, the overall experience makes this one of the best games I've played so far this year. If you're even remotely interested in this one, …

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Tomb Raider Chronicles

Do you ever wonder what things would be like now if Eidos had decided to handle things differently with its Tomb Raider series? For instance, what if Tomb Raider II, III and The Last Revelation were never released and the basic game engine that we now have with this, the …

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Prince of Persia 3D

Jordan Mechner's career in computer games spans nearly two decades, but what he's been most renowned for was the original Prince of Persia, released for the Apple ][ back in 1989. Among that games many achievements–innovative gameplay, cutting edge motion capture–was has since been somewhat overlooked: the game's unique setting, …

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E32000: Prince of Persia Playtest

As I stepped into the Mattel booth to play their allotment of Dreamcast games, I knew which one I wanted to give a spin first. Prince of Persia was sitting by itself on one screen in the corner, and I headed right for it. Initially, someone else was playing so …

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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

At the time of its release the original Tomb Raider was considered a revolutionary title by many because it featured a lead female character, a third-person perspective, innovative 3D graphics, and level design to die for. With Tomb Raider II and III, very minute enhancements were made to the game's …

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Tomb Raider II

What can be said about Tomb Raider that hasn't already been? It's an amazing game that came out of nowhere and completely upped the ante for future games on the PlayStation. Everything from level design to control was practically flawless, and it prompted this writer to declare, "The PlayStation finally …

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