Tag Archives: PlayStation

The 10 Best Resident Evil Games of All Time

Resident Evil is a tough series to create a list for. At times horrifying, frustrating, and drenched in camp in equal measure, the series is so prolific that you can find both genre-defining masterpieces and forgettable misfires sporting the RE name. It’s a series so foundational to the growth of …

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Doom Running In Notepad at 60FPS Is Now a Real Thing

Developers are continuing in their quest to make the original Doom playable on every object to ever exist, and it can now be played on Windows' Notepad app. As reported by The Escapist, developer Sam Chiet has created a fully operable version of Doom in a completely unmodified version of …

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Doom Can Now Be Played On Twitter

Over the years, fans have managed to port Doom to a number of weird and wonderful places. From popping up in Minecraft to running on an Apple Watch, the game's community constantly seems to be finding new ways to play the game. In perhaps one of the more inventive methods …

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The Most Glorious Moustaches in Video Games

The moustache. The cookie duster. The dirt squirrel. The lip doily.Whatever you call it, there's no denying that the moustache is the most majestic and respected forms of all male facial hair. With Movember drawing to a close, let's take a moment to appreciate those video game bros that rock …

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Tomb Raider Chronicles

Do you ever wonder what things would be like now if Eidos had decided to handle things differently with its Tomb Raider series? For instance, what if Tomb Raider II, III and The Last Revelation were never released and the basic game engine that we now have with this, the …

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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

At the time of its release the original Tomb Raider was considered a revolutionary title by many because it featured a lead female character, a third-person perspective, innovative 3D graphics, and level design to die for. With Tomb Raider II and III, very minute enhancements were made to the game's …

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Tomb Raider II

What can be said about Tomb Raider that hasn't already been? It's an amazing game that came out of nowhere and completely upped the ante for future games on the PlayStation. Everything from level design to control was practically flawless, and it prompted this writer to declare, "The PlayStation finally …

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Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider is bound to stir up lots of trouble with the feminists. Lara Croft's unrealistic proportions can only lead to further gender stereotyping and objectification of women. OK, I'll give you that, but don't forget that's a woman doing what most men couldn't. If that's not a strong woman, …

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